Positioner XL series 2 OUT PUT
Model: L3W1L1B100-NT3000072SM1W
P/N: 10122958
P/N: 228278.999.000 OR S/N
sweet corn: brand: VALTEK
2031422.125 | 22 272 34.450 | www.lamgiaphu.com | MCR |
2031422.63 | 22 274 34.450 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 263 |
2031422.7 | 22 477 34.025 | LGP Vietnam | 164050 |
2031422.8 | 23 211 34.315 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 164550 |
2031520.2 | 23 212 34.500 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 165050 |
2031520.25 | 23 269 34.315 | LGP Vietnam | 166050 |
2031520.315 | 23 271 34.315 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 166550 |
2031520.35 | 23 272 34.500 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 183000 |
2031520.4 | 23 274 34.500 | LGP Vietnam | 184000 |
2031520.45 | 23 477 34.035 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 185000 |
2031520.5 | 24 477 34.040 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 186000 |
2031522.2 | 25 477 34.050 | LGP Vietnam | 187000 |
2031522.25 | 27 477 34.060 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 1AG |
2031522.315 | 28 477 34.080 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 7AG |
2031522.35 | 28 477 34.100 | LGP Vietnam | 623F |
2031522.4 | 29 477 34.125 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 8AG |
2031522.45 | 2955804.1 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | PL |
2031522.5 | 2955804.125 | LGP Vietnam | TDC600 |
2031620.315 | 2955804.16 | www.lamgiaphu.com | SFE |
2031620.35 | 2955804.16 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 171525 |
2031620.4 | 2955804.2 | LGP Vietnam | 171526 |
2031620.45 | 2955804.25 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 172526 |
2031620.5 | 2955804.32 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 7008913 250mA-10A |
2031620.63 | 2955804.35 | LGP Vietnam | 171530 |
2031622.315 | 2955804.4 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 172530 |
2031622.35 | 2955804.5 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | L754 |
2031622.4 | 2955804.63 | LGP Vietnam | 3AG |
2031622.45 | 2955804.8 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 3AGDA |
2031622.5 | 50-053-06/100 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 3AB |
2031622.63 | 50-053-06/125 | LGP Vietnam | 3ABDA |
2031720.1 | 50-053-06/160 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 189020 |
2031720.5 | 50-053-06/180 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 189140 |
2031720.63 | 50-053-06/25 | LGP Vietnam | 7009463 200mA-10A |
2031720.7 | 50-053-06/32 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 7012540 160mA-20A |
2031720.8 | 50-053-06/35 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 7017240 |
2031722.1 | 50-053-06/50 | LGP Vietnam | 059 6x32mm |
2031722.5 | 50-053-06/63 | www.lamgiaphu.com | M205 |
2031722.63 | 50-053-06/80 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | DA205 |
2031722.7 | 50-054-06/150 | LGP Vietnam | MP205 |
2031722.8 | 50-054-06/200 | www.lamgiaphu.com | MP205DA |
2032420.4 | 50-054-06/250 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 190000 |
2032520.1 | 50-054-06/315 | LGP Vietnam | 7000140 |
2032520.125 | 50-054-06/350 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 1002704.1 |
2032520.16 | 50-054-06/400 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 1002704.1 |
2032520.2 | 50-072-06/400 | LGP Vietnam | 1002704.16 |
2032520.25 | 50-072-06/500 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 1002704.2 |
2032520.315 | 50-072-06/630 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 1002704.4 |
2032520.35 | 50-072-06/710 | LGP Vietnam | 1002704.6 |
2032520.4 | 50-072-06/800 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 1002804.2 |
2032520.45 | 50-073-06/25 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 1002804.25 |
2032520.5 | 50-073-06/32 | LGP Vietnam | 1002804.32 |
2032520.8 | 50-073-06/35 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 1002804.35 |
2032522.125 | 50-073-06/40 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 1002804.5 |
2032522.16 | 50-073-06/45 | LGP Vietnam | 1002804.63 |
2032522.2 | 50-073-06/55 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 1002904.1 |
2032522.25 | 50-073-06/63 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 1002904.8 |
2032522.315 | 50-073-06/80 | LGP Vietnam | 2014313.1 |
2032522.35 | 50-074-06/150 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 2014313.125 |
2032522.4 | 50-074-06/180 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 2014313.16 |
2032522.45 | 50-074-06/200 | LGP Vietnam | 2014313.2 |
2032522.5 | 50-074-06/250 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 2014313.25 |
2032620.2 | 50-074-06/315 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 2014313.25 |
2032620.25 | 50-074-06/355 | LGP Vietnam | 2014313.4 |
2032620.315 | 50-075-06/200 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 2014313.5 |
2032620.35 | 50-075-06/225 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 2023913.1 |
2032620.4 | 50-075-06/300 | LGP Vietnam | 2023913.125 |
2032620.45 | 50-075-06/350 | www.lamgiaphu.com | 2023913.16 |
2032620.5 | 50-075-06/400 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | 2023913.8 |
2032622.2 | 50-075-06/450 | LGP Vietnam | |
2032622.25 | 50-075-06/500 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2032622.315 | 50-076-06/10 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2032622.35 | 50-076-06/16 | LGP Vietnam | |
2032622.4 | 50-076-06/20 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2032622.45 | 50-076-06/5 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2032622.5 | 50-077-06/10 | LGP Vietnam | |
2033420.45 | 50-077-06/16 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2033420.5 | 50-077-06/20 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2033420.63 | 5012406.1 | LGP Vietnam | |
2033420.7 | 5012407.12 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2033422.4 | 5012408.16 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2033422.45 | 5012409.2 | LGP Vietnam | |
2033422.5 | 5012410.25 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2033422.63 | 5012411.32 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2033422.7 | 5012412.4 | LGP Vietnam | |
2033520.315 | 5012413.5 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2033520.35 | 5012606.1 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2033520.4 | 5012607.12 | LGP Vietnam | |
2033520.45 | 5012608.16 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2033520.5 | 5012609.2 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2033520.63 | 5012610.25 | LGP Vietnam | |
2033522.315 | 5012611.32 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2033522.35 | 5012612.4 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2033522.4 | 5012613.5 | LGP Vietnam | |
2033522.45 | 5014006.2 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2033522.5 | 5014007.25 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2033522.63 | 5014008.32 | LGP Vietnam | |
2034320.1 | 5014009.4 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2034320.63 | 5014010.5 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2034320.7 | 5014011.63 | LGP Vietnam | |
2034320.8 | 5014012.8 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2034322.1 | 5014013.1 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2034322.63 | 5014206.2 | LGP Vietnam | |
2034322.7 | 5014207.25 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2034322.8 | 5014208.32 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2034420.1 | 5014209.4 | LGP Vietnam | |
2034420.5 | 5014210.5 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2034420.63 | 5014211.63 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2034420.7 | 5014212.8 | LGP Vietnam | |
2034420.8 | 5014213.1 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2034422.1 | 6003305.6 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2034422.5 | 6003306.8 | LGP Vietnam | |
2034422.63 | 6003307.1 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2034422.7 | 6003308.12 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2034422.8 | 6003309.16 | LGP Vietnam | |
2038404.1 | 6003310.2 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2038404.125 | 6003311.25 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2038404.16 | 6003312.32 | LGP Vietnam | |
2038404.32 | 2041204.63 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2038404.4 | 2041204.8 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2038404.5 | 2041220.1 | LGP Vietnam | |
2038404.63 | 2041220.125 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2038404.8 | 2041220.16 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2040704.45 | 2041220.2 | LGP Vietnam | |
2041204.1 | 2041220.25 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2041204.125 | 2041220.315 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2041204.16 | 2041220.35 | LGP Vietnam | |
2041204.16 | 2041220.35 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2041204.2 | 2041220.4 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2041204.2 | 2041220.4 | LGP Vietnam | |
2041204.25 | 2041220.5 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2041204.25 | 2041220.63 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2041204.32 | 2041220.8 | LGP Vietnam | |
2041204.35 | 2041234.1 | www.lamgiaphu.com | |
2041204.4 | 2041234.125 | Đại lý cầu chì SIBA | |
2041204.5 | 2045820.1 | LGP Vietnam | |
2045820.16 | 2045820.125 | www.lamgiaphu.com |
Liên hệ ngay để có
giá tốt
Ms Hiền
LGP Trading Co.,Ltd
[Email] Hien@lamgiaphu.com
[Phone]: 090 250 3080
[Fax] 08 35880829
Soft seated butterfly valves GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Soft-seated LGP Vietnam |
butterfly valve KG9 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
2-piece, wafer type Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
with GEFA-MULTITOP GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Automation system LGP Vietnam |
•Soft-seated butterfly valve Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•Centric design, for installation between flanges Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Two-piece body, self-centering, one-piece disc/stem LGP Vietnam |
•DN 50 – DN 300 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Soft-seated Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
butterfly valve KG7 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
2-piece, lug type LGP Vietnam |
with GEFA-MULTITOP Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Automation system Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•Soft-seated butterfly valve GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Centric design, for installation between flanges LGP Vietnam |
•DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•Two-piece body with lugs, one-piece disc/stem Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•DN 50 – DN 300 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Suitable for dead-end service up to 10 bar, depending on the working temperature. LGP Vietnam |
Soft-seated Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
butterfly valve KG2 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
1-piece, wafer type GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
with GEFA-MULTITOP LGP Vietnam |
Automation system Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•soft-seated butterfly valve, centric design, for installation between flanges DIN Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•One-piece body, self-centering, seat exchangeable LGP Vietnam |
•DN 50 – DN 300 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Soft-seated Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
butterfly valve K19 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
2-piece, wafer type LGP Vietnam |
•Soft-seated butterfly valve Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•Centric design, for installation between flanges Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•DIN 2501, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Two-piece body, self-centering, one-piece disc/stem LGP Vietnam |
•DN 350 – DN 500 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Soft-seated Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
butterfly valve K17 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
2-piece, lug type LGP Vietnam |
•soft-seated butterfly Typvalve Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•centric design, for installation between flanges Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs. GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Two-piece body with lugs One-piece disc/stem LGP Vietnam |
•DN 350 – DN 500 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•Suitable for dead-end service up to 10 bar, depending on the working temperature Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Soft-seated GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
butterfly valve KG4 LGP Vietnam |
1-piece, lug type Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
with GEFA-MULTITOP Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Automation system GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Soft-seated butterfly valve LGP Vietnam |
•Centric design, for installation between flanges Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•One-piece body with threaded lugs, suitable for dead-end service GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Exchangeable seat LGP Vietnam |
•DN 50 – DN 300 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Soft-seated Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
butterfly valve K11 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
2-piece, wafer type LGP Vietnam |
•Wafer type soft-seated butterfly valve, centric design, for installation between flanges Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150, BS, JiS Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•Two-piece body made of stainless steel, self-centering, one-piece disc/stem GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•DN 25- DN 150 LGP Vietnam |
Soft-seated Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
butterfly valve K07 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
1-piece, lug type GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Lug type soft-seated butterfly valve, centric design, LGP Vietnam |
for installation between flanges DIN EN 1092-1, PN 6/10/16, ANSI 150 lbs. Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
One-piece body; Exchangeable seat ring with additional steel support ring as a firm rubber-metal bonding. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DN 600 – DN 1200 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Soft-seated LGP Vietnam |
butterfly valve K08 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
1-piece, wafer type Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•Wafer type soft-seated butterfly valve GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Centric design, LGP Vietnam |
•For installation between flanges Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•DIN EN 1092-1, PN 6/10/16, ANSI 150 lbs. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
•One-piece bod GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Exchangeable seat ring with additional steel support ring as a firm rubber-metal bonding LGP Vietnam |
PTFE-lined Butterfly Valves Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
PTFE-lined Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
butterfly valve type KG6 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
with GEFA-MULTITOP LGP Vietnam |
Automation system Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
PTFE-lined wafer type butterfly valve, centric design Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
for installation between flanges DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Two-piece body, self-centering, one-piece disc/stem. LGP Vietnam |
DN 50 – DN 300 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
GEFA-MULTITOP Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Automation system GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators LGP Vietnam |
PTFE-lined Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
butterfly valve type KG8 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
with GEFA-MULTITOP GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Automation system LGP Vietnam |
PTFE-lined lug type butterfly valve, centric design, for installation between Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
flanges DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Two-piece body, self-centering, one-piece disc/stem, tight up to 10 bar. GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DN 50 – DN 300 LGP Vietnam |
GEFA-MULTITOP Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Automation system Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
PTFE-lined LGP Vietnam |
butterfly valve type K16 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
PTFE-lined wafer type butterfly valve, centric design, for installation Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
between flanges DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs. GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Two-piece body, self-centering, one-piece disc/stem. LGP Vietnam |
DN 350 – DN 600 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
PTFE-lined Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
butterfly valve type K18 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
PTFE-lined lug type butterfly valve, centric design, for installation LGP Vietnam |
between flanges DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10/16, ANSI 150 lbs. Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Two-piece body, self-centering, one-piece disc/stem. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DN 350 – DN 600 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Double Eccentric Valves LGP Vietnam |
High performance Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
butterfly valve type HG1 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
with GEFA-MULTITOP GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Automation system LGP Vietnam |
Double eccentric high performance butterfly valve for installation Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
between flanges DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10 – PN 40, ANSI 150/300. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DN 50 – DN 600 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Automation system Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
High performance GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
butterfly valve type HG7 LGP Vietnam |
with GEFA-MULTITOP Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Automation system Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Double eccentric high performance lug type butterfly valve GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
(valve can be used in dead-end service in recommended pressure direction). LGP Vietnam |
Installation between flanges DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10 – PN 40, Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
ANSI 150/300 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DN 50 – DN 600 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Automation system Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
High performance GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
butterfly valve type LGP Vietnam |
HG7-..BK Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
with GEFA-MULTITOP Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Automation system GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Double eccentric high performance lug type butterfly valve LGP Vietnam |
The insert ring is screwed on pressure-resistant. Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Butterfly valve can be flanged on both sides. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
The max. operating pressure is to be observed. GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Installation between flanges DIN EN 1092-1, PN 10 – PN 40, ANSI 150/300 LGP Vietnam |
GEFA-MULTITOP Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Automation system Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Triple eccentric valvesThrottle Valves LGP Vietnam |
Triple offset high Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
performance butterfly Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
valve type HGT1, wafer type GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
with GEFA-MULTITOP LGP Vietnam |
Automation system Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Full bi-directional Zero-leakage shut-off Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Temperature range: –50 °C to +450 °C GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Metal-Metal, frictionless non-interference disc operation LGP Vietnam |
Laminated seat/seal system integrated into valve body Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Secured stem sealing (option: TA-Luft) Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Triple offset high GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
performance butterfly LGP Vietnam |
valve type HGT7, Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Lug type Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
with GEFA-MULTITOP GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Automation system LGP Vietnam |
Full bi-directional Zero-leakage shut-off Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Temperature range: –50 °C to +450 °C Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Metal-Metal, frictionless non-interference disc operation GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Laminated seat/seal system integrated into valve body LGP Vietnam |
Secured stem sealing (option: TA-Luft) Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Throttle valve for installation between flanges DIN EN 1092-1, Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
PN10 (DN80-DN150:PN10/16) GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
One-piece body with centering lugs, end-to-end stem, LGP Vietnam |
flat disc design with excellent flow characteristics Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Face-to-face dimension: DIN EN 558-1, line 20 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
(DIN3202-K1) GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Connection: DIN 3337 – ISO 5211 LGP Vietnam |
Flanged Ball Valves Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Flanged ball valve Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
type FG GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Two-piece stainless steel flanged ball valve LGP Vietnam |
DN 15 – DN 100 : PN 10/40 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
DIN 3202 F4 / F5 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
EN 558-1 line 27/15 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DIN 3202 F1 LGP Vietnam |
EN 558-1 line 28 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Flanged ball valve Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
type FGT GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
PFA-lined flanged ball valve made of stainless steel LGP Vietnam |
Two-piece body. Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
DN 15 – DN 50 : PN10/40 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Face-to-face dimension EN 558-1, line 28 (DIN 3202 F1) GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
3-piece Ball Valve LGP Vietnam |
3-piece ball valve DG1 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
with screwed ends Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Three-piece ball valve with screwed ends GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DN 8 – DN 80 : Full bore LGP Vietnam |
DN 15 – DN 150 : Reduced bore Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
3-piece ball valve DG1 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
with butt weld ends GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
•Three-piece ball valve with butt weld ends LGP Vietnam |
•DN 8 – DN 100 : Full bore Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
•DN 15 – DN 150 : Reduced bore Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
3-piece ball valve DG1 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
with orbital ends LGP Vietnam |
For use in systems with ultra-clean media Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Option: Surface quality of the inner passage Ra 0.8/1.0 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DN 8 – DN 100 : Full bore GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
3-piece ball valve DG1 LGP Vietnam |
with long butt weld ends Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Three-piece ball valve with long butt weld ends Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
for assembly in the pipeline without dismantling the ball valve GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DN 8 – DN 50 : Full bore LGP Vietnam |
3-way ball valve DG3 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
with butt weld ends Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Three-way ball valve with screwed/butt weld ends GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
as switchover valve with L-bore LGP Vietnam |
DN 8 – DN 50 : Full bore Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
2-Piece Ball Valves Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
2-piece ball valve EN GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
made of stainless steel LGP Vietnam |
Two-piece stainless steel ball valve with screwed ends Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Full bore Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DN 8 – DN 80 : PN63 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
1-Piece Ball Valves LGP Vietnam |
1-piece ball valve ED Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
made of brass Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
One-piece brass ball valve with screwed ends (female thread) GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
and DVGW approval LGP Vietnam |
Full bore Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
DN 8 – DN 50 : PN 40 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Knife Gate Valves GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DOMINO-Knife gate valve LGP Vietnam |
type AT100 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Knife gate valve for installation between flanges acc. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
EN 1092-1, with self cleaning plate guidance and flash-out-corners, GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
self adjusting COMPACT-Cross-seal towards the atmosphere, LGP Vietnam |
hermetically sealed in both flow-directions, two-piece body, Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
metallic and jitter-free guided knife plate, Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
cutting edge on the lower body surface. GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DN 50-DN 200 LGP Vietnam |
DOMINO-Knife gate valve Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
type AT150 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Knife gate valve for installation between flanges as per DIN EN 1092-1 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
with self cleaning plate guidance and rinse edges LGP Vietnam |
self adjusting COMPACT-Cross-seal towards the atmosphere Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
hermetically sealed in both flow-directions, two-piece body, Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
metallic and jitter-free guided knife plate, GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
cutting edge on the lower body surface. LGP Vietnam |
DN 50 - DN 300 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
DOMINO-Knife gate valve Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
type AT200F GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Knife gate valve for instalation between flanges as per DIN EN 1092-1 LGP Vietnam |
and useable as end-valve, self adjusting COMPACT-Cross-seal Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
towards the atmosphere, scraper to clean the knife gate positioned Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
in front of it, hermetically sealed in both flow-directions, GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
two-piece body, metallic and jitter-free guided knife plate with LGP Vietnam |
segment-formed radius, sharpened cutting edge Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
on the lower body surface. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
ATEX certified Ex II 1D GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DN 200-DN 1000 LGP Vietnam |
DOMINO-Knife gate valve Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
type AT400 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Knife gate valve with full and free passage, pigging also possible with GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
calibre-tool, for installation between flanges acc. to DIN EN 1092-1 LGP Vietnam |
and useable as end valve, with self adjusting Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
COMPACT-Cross-seal towards the atmosphere, hermetically Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
sealed in both flow-directions, two-piece body, metallic and GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
jitter-free guided knife plate, cutting edge on the lower body surface. LGP Vietnam |
DN 50-DN 1200 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
DOMINO-Knife gate valve Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
type AT200 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Knife gate valve for instalation betweeen flanges acc. LGP Vietnam |
DIN EN 1092-1 and useable as end-valve,with self cleaning plate Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
guidance and flash-out-corners, self adjusting Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
COMPACT-Cross-seal towards the atmosphere, hermetically sealed GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
in both flow-directions, two-piece body, metallic and jitter-free LGP Vietnam |
guided knife plate with segment-formed radius, Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
cutting edge on the lower body surface. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DN 50-DN 1200 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DOMINO-Control gate valve LGP Vietnam |
type AT200R Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Knife gate valve with special regulating disc to achieve a linear Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
control characteristic, for installation between flanges as per GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DIN EN 1092-1 and useable as end-valve, with self adjusting LGP Vietnam |
COMPACT-Cross-seal towards the atmosphere, hermetically Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
sealed in both flow-directions, two-piece body, metallic and Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
jitter-free guided knife plate with segment-formed radius, GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
cutting edge on the lower body surface. LGP Vietnam |
DN 50-DN 1200 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Non Return Valves Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Non return valve GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Non return valve LGP Vietnam |
type RF6666 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Wafer type valve in short face-to-face dimension acc. Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DIN EN 558 / Series 49 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Prevents backflow in the pipeline LGP Vietnam |
DN 15 – DN 150: PN 10 – PN 40 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Non return valve Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
type RF8686 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Wafer type valve in short face-to-face dimension acc. LGP Vietnam |
DIN EN 558 / Series 49 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Prevents backflow in the pipeline Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DN 15 – DN 150: PN 10/16 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Check valve LGP Vietnam |
Check valve Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Typ C Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Wafer type valve in short face-to face dimension GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
DN 32 – DN 500: PN 10/16 LGP Vietnam |
Check valve Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Typ C8686 Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Wafer type valve in short face-to face dimension DN 50 – DN 500: PN 10 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Check valve LGP Vietnam |
Typ C8888 Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Wafer type valve in short face-to face dimension Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
DN 50 – DN 500: PN 10 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Actuators LGP Vietnam |
Pneumatic actuator Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Pneumatic rotary Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
actuator Series AP GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Electric actuator LGP Vietnam |
Positioning actuator OA Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Standard actuator: Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
90°-actuator for on/off duty and positioning of ball valves and butterfly valves GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Protection class: IP 67 LGP Vietnam |
Modes: Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
S4 - 30% - on/off duty Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
S4 - 50% - Positioning class III GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
S4 - 100% - Positioning class II (on request) LGP Vietnam |
Adjustable SPDT travel switches (change-over contact) for each end positions Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Mechanical position indication Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Handwheel for "EMERGENCY" operation GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Positioning actuator AS LGP Vietnam |
Standard actuator: Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
90°-actuator for on/off duty and positioning of ball valves and butterfly valves Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Protection class: IP 67 GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
Modes: LGP Vietnam |
S4 - 30% - on/off duty Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
S4 - 50% - Positioning class III Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
S4 - 100% - Positioning class II (on request) GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |
2 adjustable SPDT travel limit switches (1 for each end position) LGP Vietnam |
2 adjustable SPDT torque limit switches (1 for each direction of rotation) Web: www.lamgiaphu.com |
Mechanical position indication Đại lý Van GEFA Germany tại Việt Nam |
Handwheel for "EMERGENCY" operation GEFA valve Vietnam distributor |